
API for the mutation$ function

mutation$ is basically a wrapper for createMutation, it should be used whenever createMutation should be used.


// server function declaration
import { z } from 'zod'
import { error$, mutation$ } from '@solid-mediakit/prpc'

const testMutation = mutation$({
  mutationFn: ({ payload, event$ }) => {
    const ua = event$.request.headers.get('user-agent')
    console.log({ ua })
    if (payload.hello === 'error') {
      return error$('This is an error')
    return `hey ${payload.hello}`
  key: 'hello',
  schema: z.object({
    hello: z.string(),

// client code
const Home: VoidComponent = () => {
  const [hello, setHello] = createSignal('')
  const helloMutation = testMutation(() => ({
    onError(error) {
      if (error.isZodError()) {
        console.log('zod error:', error.cause.fieldErrors)
      } else {
  return (
    <main class='flex min-h-screen flex-col items-center justify-center bg-gradient-to-b from-[#026d56] to-[#152a2c]'>
      <p class='text-2xl text-white'>
        { ?? 'No Data yet...'}
      <Show when={helloMutation.isError}>
        <p class='text-2xl text-red-500'>
          {helloMutation.error?.message ?? 'Unknown Error'}
      <div class='container flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-4 px-4 py-16'>
          class='p-4 text-2xl rounded-lg'
          onInput={(e) => setHello(e.currentTarget.value)}
          class='p-4 text-2xl bg-white rounded-lg'
          onClick={() => helloMutation.mutate({ hello: hello() })}


export type Mutation$Props<
  Mw extends IMiddleware[],
  Fn extends ExpectedFn<ZObj, Mw>,
  ZObj extends ExpectedSchema = EmptySchema
> = {
  mutationFn: Fn
  key: string
  schema?: ZObj
  middleware?: Mw

mutationFn API

export type Fn$Input<
  ZObj extends ExpectedSchema = EmptySchema,
  Mw extends IMiddleware[] = []
> = {
  payload: Infer$PayLoad<ZObj>
  event$: PRPCEvent
  ctx$: FilterOutResponse<InferFinalMiddlware<FlattenArray<Mw>>>

Read more regarding the Middleware API